Submission Closed for Vol. 6 No. 1 (March 2025)| Call for Papers Vol 6, Issue 2, June 2025 | Submit Now | Open Access | Peer Review

Our editors get several questions like this. Perhaps it will answer the same question:

  1. How impact factor of the journal? Our journal is new, and we under-processed submit to Web of Science and schedule process to Scopus to getting index. We are not processing to index any impact factor from another indexing except the two.

  2. Dear Editor, I need a detailed acceptance letter along with the author's name in pdf format. Please send me as soon as possible: Our journal is an electronic system, we made a system with 2 steps. The first step, after your manuscript has been accepted by our editor, LoA will produce by the OJS system and sent to your email. In the second step,  the authors can create the Letter of Acceptance with fill-in the form based on the LoA from OJS data.

  3. I have revised my manuscript, but why I cannot get the acceptance letter? The revision not only from the reviewer's letter, but our editors also do a check before acceptance, perhaps your manuscripts still do not match the standard of revision, see the discussion from the editor.

  4. I need an acceptance letter immediately, my manuscript is under review but I need it for my academic purpose. Please help me? The Acceptance letter is produced when your manuscript is accepted. There is no tolerance for the journal policy.

  5. I will pay, but I need the acceptance letter immediately, please help me? You will have violated journal policies. We will decline your manuscript and banned the authors (who did this act) for 1 year.

  6. Who can submit articles to the International Journal of Asian Education (IJAE)? Researchers, academicians, professionals, and practitioners from all over the world can submit the articles in the International Journal of Asian Education (IJAE).

  7. Is the journal has free of charge? our journal is free of charge until Vol. 2 No. 4 December 2021 (see Publication Fee).

  8. Can I submit the manuscripts using my templates? No, use our template before submit (download in Templates IJAE).

  9. What file format can be used to submit the manuscripts? The journal only accepts the .doc, .docx format .

  10. How long is the review time? We cannot ensure how long the article has been review by reviewers, but the average time taken by reviewers is 4 weeks approximately.

  11. I cannot access my account? please click forgot password, and fill the form with your email address.

  12. Can I connect my ORCID account? Yes, you can, but several times we get complaints from users, they cannot access the role, but after our IT Team has checked, the connection is a success.

  13. Can our institution or library make MoU with this journal? sure, you can see our collaboration in the Memorandum of Understanding

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