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Writing is consistently regarded as one of the most challenging language-learning abilities. This paper investigates the challenges Vietnamese students face in learning academic writing in English. Ninety-five students from grades 6 to 12 who have been studying English for several years were surveyed using a questionnaire. The questionnaire comprised 14 Likert-scale statements and one multiple-choice question to determine their interests, habits, and perspectives toward learning English. Most participants expressed a keen interest in learning languages but felt that their writing skills in English were not up to par, attributing this to inadequate time spent practicing. As a result, it is suggested that secondary school students in Vietnam increase their writing practice time in English and alter their learning routines and habits accordingly.


Vietnamese students Writing difficulties Academic writing

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How to Cite
Nghi, N. P. A., & Truong, T. N. (2023). Difficulties of Vietnamese Students in Learning Academic Writing. International Journal of Asian Education, 4(2), 106–114.


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