Submission Closed for Vol. 6 No. 1 (March 2025)| Call for Papers Vol 6, Issue 2, June 2025 | Submit Now | Open Access | Peer Review

As part of the submission process, the author has asked to make sure every submission has followed the provisions made. Submissions can be returned or declined if they manuscript do not meet the conditions, as follows:

  1. Submitted manuscripts have never been published or accepted to publish in any journal
  2. Make sure that the text to be sent is not the product of plagiarism (see plagiarism policy page). Managing Editor, Language Editor, and Reviewers use Plagiarism Software Application for example Turnitin or Ithenticate to check all forms of plagiarism.
  3. The manuscript is typed in word format and must use the template provided IJAE templates and send via online submissions, as many as 3,000-7,500 words
  4. The author has guided the writing guidelines (see Author Guidelines)
  5. The author uses the Reference Manager Software, for example, Mendeley or Zotero in compiling references used with the composition of primary libraries, at least 80 percent of all references published in the last ten years
  6. The script must write in English, and the author has checked the grammar using the Grammarly application
  7. The author agrees that the approved manuscript will publish in the International Journal of Asian Education (IJAE)
Another Information

  1. Submitting a manuscript without using the templates, will automatically decline
  2. Revision without using the grammar application and template style, will not be processed in the next step